Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I know it's been a long time. If you were reading before, you probably have given up. But i decided that with graduation being behind me and the fact the next four years are going to be one rollercoaster that I'll never ride again, I should get back into routine and document it all. I will probably want to revisit it someday. Obviously, I can't catch you up and everything tht's happened in my life since I last did this. It's been a lot. I was so, so, so busy, which is what took me away from this. Anatomy and precal and all of the graduation festivities/end of school functions/etc. just totally overwhelmed me and I got really worn down. I mean, Complete and utter exhaustion. I'm still not caught up on sleep and should be sleeping now, so I'll share this last thought-

One of the best moments of my life thus far was at graduation, as I was filing up to get my diploma and my best friend was filing back after receiving hers. She was on one side, and I on the other, literally and figuratively. And she turned back to hug me, to give me the tightest embrace she could muster. And then she let me go, to receive my diploma. There aren't words for the emotions that welled up in me.