Thursday, May 27, 2010

The THIRD week.

In a not-so-surprisingly way, before this week, there was week one and there was week two

This week was the start of something(s) new (although I fought the urge and did not sing about it).

On the Sunday of this week, I packed up my most loved t-shirts and Blanka the purple blanket and a few more important things (like a blue dress, for example), and headed north to the ATL. I drove on 7-lane interstates to get there. And then, I parked my car and I hopped out and I looked around, because, for the most part, I was there to stay. And the day after that (Monday, if you're not keeping up), I started hanging with these pretty awesome kids. And also their pretty awesome parents, who happen to be related to me.

So this week, I've done some neat things, things I'm proud of, even if they don't seem like much. For example, I:

  • FINALLY bought new tennis shoes. I've been trying to get around to doing that since September. They are lime green. I think they're the best thing ever, but that could be because I've been running the grey New Balances that were all the rage in middle school. And I've had mine since then. It was the equivalent of running in bunny slippers. 
  • taught a first-grader how to borrow when subtracting.
  • made at least six peanut butter sandwiches.
  • made a photobook of my freshman year. (Make one at .)
  • did not eat any of the soft sugar cookies that sat on the counter all week long. Even when I was begged to.
  • have stuck to my healthy eating habits. Even when I went to McDonald's today with the boys. Even when they left the table and their french fries were still there. 
  • lost four pounds (in all.)
So I count this third week good. The next week holds a fam vacation and taking little kids to tennis and maybe- just maybe- seeing one or two of my best friends. And maybe I'll teach the first-grader some calculus.  

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