Friday, December 5, 2008

Porn, People & Prayer

Geeeez.... I was just trying to find this blogger site I know I visited on my computer a few weeks ago, and so I was searching through the history. Try to remember that I'm not the only one who uses this computer at all...and I came across a few (like three) porn sites. Yup, ladies and gentlemen. I let out a shriek. Thank goodness no one was home because they'd have asked what was wrong and I don't wanna explain that one. I really hope it's someone's accidental discovery that they immediately clicked out of (like me) and not my brother (please, God, help me, if it is). Ew.

I guess that's what I get for not following my normal Friday routine which is: come home from school, read people magazine until Friday night plans are finalized. See, people, this is why I plan!! Gee whiz. So, now that I'm all freaked and grossed out and wondering if I should drop the bomb on Lori (I don't know about that), I'm gonna go check the mail and get the People and wait for my best friend to get off work so I can convince her to make haystacks, which I am seriously craving.

Also, we have some really good family friends- Brad &Barbara- who are going through an extremely difficult time right now- Brad just got rehospitalized for the fourth or fifth time and has an infection. He is undergoing his fourth surgery today, so, please, please keep him in your prayers. We've been asked to pray specifically for this surgery's success. If you're reading, please say a little prayer for that. And for me, because of porn!


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